The City of Medford is officially launching a plan to bring parking policy and enforcement under the City’s administration, Mayor Breanna Lungo-Koehn announced this week. The City’s existing contract with ParkMedford, a third-party vendor, expires in January 2022. The City has sent notice to ParkMedford that it will not exercise its option to extend that contract by three years, opting instead to transition to a full Parking Department operated fully by the City of Medford.

While full operations will not begin until 2022, the city is currently hiring for a Director of Parking to begin as soon as possible to help guide the public processes and internal implementation for the department. The city plans to bring operations in house as of early 2022, with an incremental increase to staffing and operations in the following months and years as operations expand. The full job description is available at

As part of the contract with ParkMedford, the City will take ownership of all parking-related resources and materials, including parking kiosks, meters, databases and related information when the contract expires.

“The City of Medford has numerous important yet diverse needs when it comes to parking policy and enforcement, but for decades we have not had adequate policies in place to meet those needs. From visitor and employee parking in business districts, to consistent resident permit parking especially in areas bordering Tufts University and transit stations, and everything in between, it is the City’s responsibility to provide fair and equitable parking for our community members, and bringing this work under the City’s full administration is a huge step in the right direction,”

Leading up to this decision, Mayor Lungo-Koehn convened a 12-member commission, the Mayor’s Commission on Parking Policy and Enforcement, to review and analyze existing parking policies and enforcement measures and provide recommendations on potential next steps. The Commission delivered a 60-page report with detailed recommendations based on public decision, data analysis, and existing City parking policies, ultimately providing 21 final recommendations for consideration by the City administration.

The city is planning a series of public meetings and opportunities for community input beginning in Fall 2021. For information on the Commission on Parking Policy & Enforcement, and the final report, visit